Daffodil Altar Lace in Real Life

Reader Myrna sent a photo of the Daffodil Altar Lace she made for her church’s altar, and it was used at their Easter Mass.
Myrna, who had never made filet crochet lace, used the Daffodil Altar Lace Filet Crochet Pattern for the altar at her church. She emailed me for suggestions for her project, and it just happened that we live pretty close to each other. Serendipity and new friends!
She used DMC size 10 crochet cotton that she purchased at Michaels with a size 7 steel hook. As she progressed, she washed a smaller piece in warm water and put it in the dryer. It shrank about 15%, so she realized that she would need to revise her length and gauge.
The altar at Our Lady of Sorrows in south Phoenix is huge, about 10 ½ feet across. Since the altar lace would need to be laundered separately from the alter cloth, Myrna decided to use velcro to attach the lace directly to the altar. She added a border of 6 dc to the top of the lace so she would have a place to sew the soft part of the Velcro to. She purchased no-sew sticky-back velcro separately to put on the marble altar.
Myrna says, “It took me at least 40 days at about 5 hrs each day. But in the end it was worth the effort as I think it came out so lovely. Everyone loved it!”
To learn more about Our Lady of Sorrows, go to http://www.ourladyofsorrows.org/p3_test.html
To learn more about the Daffodil Altar Lace border pattern, go to: http://claudiabotterweg.com/daffodil-altar-lace-filet-crochet-pattern
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